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Wednesday, 31 October 2018

President Buhari is the most successful fraudster in the history of Nigeria. - Eedris Abdulkareem

The popular veteran Nigerian rapper, Eedris Abdulkareem has described President Buhari In an Instagram post as the ' the most successful fraudster in the history of Nigeria'.

The controversial rapper who is know for his unusual attacks on government wrote, 'Buhari is by far the most successful fraudster in the history of Nigeria. First he was fraudulently enlisted into the Nigerian army. He fraudulently gained promotion that he wasn't qualified for while in the army'.

He went on to say, 'he truncated our democracy and rendered Nigerians poor and helpless. He turned the Petroleum Trust Fund to Petroleum Trust Fraud to help Abacha loot his way to the grave. He came back, deceived 15 million Nigerians with fake integrity and became a president without the required certificate. He gained an unrestricted access to our national treasury and went on a looting spree that made Nigeria the poverty capital of the world. Now he wants to continue...no way, he must be stopped because we cannot continue to reinforce failure'.

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